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Pollutant Cleaning Procedure Selection
Volatile Organic Compounds (VOC)
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KNV - Catalytic oxidation: A method in which pollutants are oxidised at low temperatures using a catalyst.
TNV - Thermal oxidation: Pollutants are burnt at high temperatures to convert them into less harmful substances.
RNV - Regenerative oxidation: An energy-efficient form of thermal post-combustion in which heat energy is recovered internally.
AKFL - Activated carbon filtration: Pollutants are filtered through activated carbon, which adsorbs the pollutants and thus removes them from the air.
KONZ - Concentration: The pollutants are concentrated with a special adsorbent and cleaned in an energy-efficient manner.
Pollutant class of the ingredients:
*Lightly volatile substances with a boiling point <40°C, e.g. methane, ethane, ethene, butene, vinyl chloride.
**Medium-volatile substances with a boiling point between 40 and 200°C, e.g. hexane, ethanol, isopropyl acetate, BETX, tetrachloroethene, trichloroethene
***Highly volatile substances, e.g. pentadecane, naphthalene
A concrete statement on the suitability of a process can only be made if the pollutants to be treated, their concentrations, distribution and operating time are known.